App Development

Mobile Apps

Apps for mobile devices such as phones and tablets have become vital for both large and small businesses. At PTC we pride ourselves on offering mobile solutions to fit any business need. We have an experienced staff of developers and project managers that will help you from concept to delivery to the app store. We will work with you in every phase of the project, and with our Agile project management philosophy you will be kept involved and up to date throughout the process. For more information about our availability and rates please contact us.


We specialize in both native and cross-platform app development.

Native Apps:

Native apps are written in the specific iOS and Android languages (Objective-C and Java respectively).

Some benefits to writing native apps are that you have more access to the lower-level phone functionalitiy, and they can perform better when doing more complex tasks such as graphics for games.

A disadvantage is the apps are more difficult and expensive to maintain long term because it requires two code bases (iOS and Android).

Cross-Platform Apps:

Cross-platform apps (sometimes referred to as Html5 apps) are written once and deployed to many mobile operating systems through libraries such as Adobe Cordova and Phonegap which are built on HTML5, Javascript and CSS.

Some benefits to writing cross-platform are that there is a single code-base for every mobile operating system, reducing the time and expense of maintaining the app over time.

We also offer staffing for exiting app projects, please see our IT consulting page for more information.

PTC specializes in mobile apps and mobile app development including iOS apps, Android apps in Sarasota, Bradenton, and Venice. PTC has experience in naitive apps using XCode, Objective-C, Java, and Android SDK as well as cross-platform apps using Adobe Cordova, Phonegap, HTML5, Javascript, and CSS. Please contact us for rates and availability for app development.